This is a complete guide for creating a profile or online resume at Jobistan. Please read all the below instructions thouroughly, see the sample screen shots, and register yourself accordingly.
After reading all the below instructions and guides, you can click on the “Register as a Jobseeker” button at the end of this page.
Welcome to the website of as a jobseeker or candidate. is a great jobs website in Afghanistan both for candidates and employers throughout the country and we are always striving to give best user experience to all our visitors.
In this article, we are going to clearly guide the jobseekers on how to sign-up as a jobseeker? Or how to create a profile (online CV) for the candidates which will be published at in our website. Once you complete your profile, a member of Jobistan team will review your profile and approve as soon as possible.
When your profile is approved, tens and hundreds of employers (International and National NGOs, Organizations, Private Companies, Governmental Organizations, and other Recruiters) will check out the approved profiles in order to search their desired candidates for fulfilling the vacant positions in their respective organizations. Employers can directly contact with their desired candidates for discussing employment opportunities and make an offer of employment.
REMEMBER TO COMPLETE YOUR PROFILE as guided in this article because your profile will not be approved until it is authentic and complete. If your profile is not at least 80% you cannot directly apply for the announced jobs.
To begin creating your online resume (profile) at Jobistan you can go to website, candidates menu, and click on Create Account.

OR directly type this URL in your internet browser and go according to our instructions and guides below:

Once you land into the jobseeker’s signup page, you will see a registration form asking the required basic information about the candidate in order to create an account at website. The required fields have Asterisk (*) mark at the end of the title, but it’s recommended to complete all the fields in order to help employers to make better and authentic decisions in their hiring process.
Based on the situation, the required information may vary time to time, but currently following data and information should be entered to create a Jobseeker account;
First Name:
Write your first name as in your official documents.
Last Name:
Write your last name as in your official documents.
Write your username to be used in signing-in and your profile URL.
Write your email address to get account related emails including verification.
Phone Number:
Write your phone number for employers to get in contact with you.
Select Sector:
Select your profession or career field.
Upload Resume:
Upload soft of your CV or Resume in MS Word or PDF file for employers.
Select your gender as Male or Female from the list.
Select your current age from the list.
Write your nationality (Afghan, American, Indian etc…)
Total Experience:
Write your total experience in year or No Experience.
Academic Level:
Select your educational level from the list.
Employment Status:
Select your employment status from the list.
Language Skills:
Write the languages you know as English, Dari, Pashto, Turkmeni, etc.
Current Location:
Write your current location, for example Kabul, Afghanistan.
Phone Number:
Write your mobile number for Jobistan Admin use only.
Email Address:
Write your email address for Jobistan Admin use only.
Profile Photo:
Upload your official photo for Jobistan Admin use only.
Type your desired password. A strong password is recommended which should contain letters (ABC, abc…), numbers (12345…) and symbols (!@#$%).
Confirm Password:
Re-type your password and keep it confidential.
Finally, check or tick mark the option of “You accept our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy”, and then click on SIGN UP button at the bottom of the form.
For a practical guide, see below screenshot of the Jobseeker Registration Form;

After clicking on SIGN UP button, wait for a while until your entered information, data and files to be recorded in our database.

Then, you will see this message “Registration complete. You are redirecting to your dashboard.” Afterwards you will be redirected to the user dashboard of candidates as shown below;

In this stage, you can see a message for submitting the candidate application. It means that your application is submitted for review purpose to the website administrator. Though, you need to complete your profile at least 80% to be able to apply for jobs at website.

As you can see that currently only 27% of the profile has been completed (on the upper left hand). To progress and increase the profile completion, you need to fill the remaining parts of your profile or resume. Such as official profile photo which will be appeared for public at link of the website.
To upload your profile photo, click on “+ Upload Photo” button at the upper left hand and select your profile photo from your computer or smart device as shown below:

After uploading the profile photo, now you can see the profile level percentage changed from 27% to 32% as shown in below screen shot:

Now let’s dive into completing the rest of your profile. For the first stage, click on “My Profile” tab on the left side. Once you are directed into “My Profile” section, fill the remained fields or parts of your profile as below:
Upload Cover Photo:
Upload a cover photo to be shown in your profile.
Date of Birth:
Choose your date of birth from the calendar.
Choose your country code and enter your active phone number.
Job Title:
Write your current job title or your career title.
Write your expected salary in case of employment opportunity offer.
Salary Currency:
Select your expected salary currency (US Dollar, Afghanis, Euro, etc…)
Write a short description about yourself, education, experience, goals and objectives.
Hello my name is Abdullah Makhdum from Mazar-e-Sharif, Afghanistan and I’m a Business Administration graduate from an American online university (UoPeople). I have 9+ years experience in business related sectors especially administration, finance, management, business incubation, translation and interpretation, training and education.
For my career objectives; I am an energetic and experienced young committed to achieve organizational goals and aiming to be an effective and efficient staff in order to utilize my utmost skills, experiences, and knowledge.
Copy your Facebook profile URL/link (if available).
Copy your Twitter account URL/link (if available).
Copy your LinkedIn profile URL/link (if available).
Select your country from the list (Afghanistan).
Select your province name from the list.
Full Address:
Write your complete address here.
At the end of the page, now click on Save Settings button to record the entered information in your profile.
You can see the practical changes in below screen shot:

After saving the recorded information, you will see a new message in green and white color under the Basic Information title. As you can see that the percentage of profile level has changed from 32% to 57% circled around the profile photo in Blue color.

The profile color has changed from Orange to Blue because there are 4 levels for candidate profiles as following:
Red color = profile completion up to 25%
Orange color = profile completion up to 50%
Blue color = profile completion up to 75%
Green color = profile completion more than 75%.
The profile status is also shown in candidates listing considering the profile levels based on above mentioned colors.
Next, you need to complete your resume section. Click on “My Resume” tab on the left side which consist the following sections of your Resume:

Cover Letter:
Write a general cover letter to show your interest, suitability, and competitiveness as a successful candidate for applying to the announced jobs at website. Focus on writing an attractive and authentic Cover Letter because this plays a great role in selection of candidates.

Type your skills to be added in the skills section of your resume. After writing each skill press “Enter” button or simply put a comma symbol (,). For example: Accounting, Administration, Business, Finance, Graphic Designing, Management, Marketing, etc…

In this section you need to add your educational details. Click on “+ ADD EDUCATION” button on the right side and start adding your educational details from High to University level.
Write title of your education like High School Certificate, Diploma, Bachelor Degree, Master Degree, PhD Degree with your educational area.
Write the starting and ending year of your education title.
Write name of your education provider like School name, College name, or University name.
Write a short description about your education title like your results, percentage, and achievements.

After entering the required information click on ADD EDUCATION button. Repeat the same process for your university level educations. You can see a filled screen shot below:
In this section you need to add your work experience details. Click on “+ ADD EXPERIENCE” button on the right side and start adding your work experience details from the beginning to present experience.
Write title of your position that you held like Teacher, Admin Officer, Project Manager, Civil Engineer, etc…
From Date:
Select your work starting date for the position you entered.
To Date:
Select your work ending date for the position you entered.
If you are currently working in this position so click on this option after selecting your work starting date.
Write name of the organization you worked/working for.
Write a short description about this job like your roles and tasks, contributions, work duration etc…

After entering the required information click on ADD EXPERIENCE button. Repeat the same process for all your work experiences until your present job information. You can see a filled screen shot below:
In this section you can add scan of your appreciation letters, testimonials, sample of your works, and more. For example a Graphic Designer can upload his/her sample graphical works as a portfolio.
Click on “+ ADD PORTFOLIO” button on the right side and start adding your portfolios, work samples, appreciation letters, and more.

Write title of your portfolio, upload the image, and add the link (URL if available), and click on Add Portfolio Button.
In this section you can add all your expertise and competencies in the job market like your time management skills, typing skills, computer skills, communication skills, and more. Even you can add your language skills as a percentage. You can add expertise through Clicking on “+ ADD EXPERTISE” button on the right side.
Write the title of your expertise or skill to be shown in percentage like Time Management etc…
Write the percentage of your expertise just in numbers like 95 etc…

Honors & Awards:
In this section you can add your AWARDS and HONORS which you received during your educational and career life for your outstanding performances.
Click on “+ ADD AWARD” button on the right side and start adding your awards and honors.

Write the Award Title, write the award receiving date in year field, and write some short description about your award. Then click on Add AWARD Button.
After completing the overall parts of “My Resume” section (such as Cover Letter, Skills, Education, Experience, Portfolio, Expertise, Honors & Awards) click on “Update Resume” button.
As you can see the filled sample screen shot below;

As now you can see that profile percentage changed to 88% and the color around the profile photo changed to Green color which means that you can have reached to the 80% limit and now can apply for all the announced jobs at website.
It’s noteworthy that through website you can directly apply only to those job announcements for which the application method is set Internal Application by the employers.
Your online CV or profile has been completed at website, and now it’s turn for the Jobistan team to review your candidate application and you need to wait for the approval of your application.
Once your profile is approved by team, you will be listed on the Candidates Listing page of website.