Women for Afghan Women


  • Posted Jobs 0
  • Viewed 25
  • Organization Name Women for Afghan Women
  • Website www.womenforafghanwomen.org

Company Description

Women for Afghan Women, a civil society NGO in Afghanistan dedicated to promoting and protecting the human rights of women and children, will be opening a residence for children currently living with their mothers in the Kabul Prison. We are seeking a manager for this facility, which is a pilot program unique in Afghanistan.

All staff working for Women for Afghan Women in any capacity must believe wholeheartedly in women’s and child rights and gender equality and must pledge their dedication to improving the status of women and children in Afghanistan. Staff in the Children’s Residence must be willing to work with children whose mothers (and some fathers) are in prison and who may have lived in prison with their mothers over long periods of time. They must be dedicated to providing these children with a healthy, nurturing environment in order to give them the opportunity to become well-adjusted, productive adults. They must demonstrate that they can be supportive, positive, and non-judgmental in their approach to the most challenging problems related to these children, and they must demonstrate the same qualities toward women (mothers) in prison and mothers who are being released from prison and whose lives are being rehabilitated.