Independent Directorate of Local Governance (IDLG)

  • Kabul, AF, Ariana Square, Beside Italian Embassy. AF
  • Telephone: +93(0)202104708


  • Founded Date 30 August, 2007
  • Sectors Governmental
  • Posted Jobs 0
  • Viewed 632
  • Organization Name Independent Directorate of Local Governance (IDLG)
  • Email Address
  • Website
  • Founded 2007

Company Description

Independent Directorate of Local Governance IDLG is an independent branch of the local structures, established through presidential Decree No. 1047 of 30 August 2007, has the mandate to leading and coordinating Afghanistan’s new sub-national governance, providing support to provincial administrations, building provincial and district capacity, enforcing laws and regulations, improving service delivery by enhancing the accountability and transparency of the local governments in local levels through strong and capable sub national government administrations in 34 provinces, 374 formal and informal districts and 153 municipalities.

IDLG’s vision is to make a difference in the lives of Afghan citizens by providing them good governance. IDLG’s mission is consolidating peace and stability, achieving development and equitable economic growth and achieving improvements in service delivery through just, democratic processes and institutions of good governance at the sub‐national level.

IDLG was established on 30 August 2007 by Presidential decree, transferring the responsibilities of the Civil Administration division of the Ministry of the Interior to a new independent directorate. The Presidential decree also transferred the responsibility for supporting Provincial Councils to IDLG, creating a single structure responsible for sub‐national governance in Afghanistan. IDLG, therefore, has direct management responsibility of Tashkeel staff working in sub‐national governance institutions such as Provincial and District Governors’ Offices, Provincial and District Municipalities, and Provincial Councils (PCs).

IDLG’s vision is to make a difference in the lives of Afghan citizens by providing them good governance. IDLG’s mission is consolidating peace and stability, achieving development and equitable economic growth and achieving improvements in service delivery through just, democratic processes and institutions of good governance at the sub‐national level.

IDLG’s Mandate:

Improving sub‐national governance in order to achieve stability, security, and development
Providing good governance at the sub‐national level
Establishing and strengthening government institutions at the sub‐national level
Ensuring public participation in decision making

IDLG has four functions, as follows:

Policy Development: Development of sub‐national governance policy and revision of laws, regulations, and rules of procedure in line with this policy
Institutional Development: Provision of organizational strengthening, capacity building, and support to sub‐national governance institutions
Broader Governance: Support for the participation of stakeholders and citizens in subnational governance processes
Support: Facilitating the delivery of national programs and initiatives through subnational governance institutions.

About Citizens’ Charter National Priority Program (CCNPP)

The Citizens’ Charter is an inter-ministerial, multi-sectorial NPP, where Ministries have collaborated to provide basic services to urban and rural communities. The key service delivery ministries and independent directorate involved are: Independent Directorate of Local Governance (IDLG), Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD), Ministry of Education (MoE), Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) and Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL), with oversight by Ministry of Finance (MoF). MRRD has a key role and will be responsible for infrastructural development and strengthening CDCs and Cluster CDCs. The Community Development Councils (CDCs) will be linked to sub-national government to improve communication and coordination from the community to the district, provincial and national levels – increasing Government visibility and accountability. The Citizens’ Charter is an important foundation for the Government’s reform agenda, contributing to a number of priority areas including: Ensuring Citizens’ Development Rights; Building Better Governance; Reforming Development Planning & Management and Developing Partnerships.

The Citizens’ Charter intends to improve service delivery by ensuring minimum service standards, provide greater responsiveness by the Government to the people and increase the level of public satisfaction with services.

The urban CC coverage by IDLG includes 850 communities and 170 gozars in the 4 main cities of Herat, Mazar, Kandahar and Jalalabad. Urban CC aims to improve infrastructure, services and emergency support to communities, via their elected Community Development Councils (CDCs) and Gozar Assemblies (GAs). Urban CC sub projects include sectors for transportation, water supply, power, urban development such as waste/ garbage disposal and sanitation, parks, women’s economic empowerment projects etc.

اداره ارگانهای محلی بمنظور تحقق اهداف عالی ریاست جمهوری اسلامی افغانستان برای اصلاح  و ایجاد اداره سالم ، تامین بهتر مدیریت شهری، استحکام شفافیت، عرضه خدمات شهری بهتر و سپردن کار به اهل آن در نظر دارد الی تدویر انتخابات شاروالی ها، بست رتبه دوم شاروالی مهترلام ولایت لغمان را به خاطر استخدام افراد شایسته و کارفهم در پروسه رقابت آزاد طبق طرزالعمل تقرر شاروالان ولایات به رقابت بسپارد.