Ministry of Transport (MoT)

  • Kabul, Afghanistan, Kabul Jalalabad Road, Kabul City AF
  • Telephone: +93(0)202320932


  • Founded Date 1 January, 1933
  • Sectors Governmental , Transportation
  • Posted Jobs 0
  • Viewed 262
  • Organization Name Ministry of Transport (MoT)
  • Email Address
  • Website
  • Founded 1933

Company Description

The Ministry of Transport (MoT) is responsible for the planning, monitoring, maintenance and development of the various transport infrastructure projects such as Roads, Bridges, Culverts, Railway and Airport in the government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. Therefore to enhance the capacity to strengthen its ability to deliver effective, efficient and transparent services in MoT the Human Resource Directorate wishes to recruit the following staff on contract basis from development Budget for the Ministry of Transport (MoT).